As well as to offer a translation of them to English.
"ymenehcra" (Twitter and YouTube user @ymenehcra99) is an ARG account created for conceptual purposes and to hint Dreamcatcher's upcoming comeback with VillainS.
The account was created on September 2023 and it started posting on October 12, 2023. On October 20, 2023 Dreamcatcher Twitter account reposted one of their videos, pointing out the existence of said account to the fans.
It was also found a YouTube account with the same name who commented on previous videos of Dreamcatcher, and later on October 17 posted their 1st and only video title "C".
Twitter Posts[]
This page list all of ymenehcra Tweets with its English translation (It may contains some translations error).
October 12[]
Ah what is this; YouTube is like this too, when was this created?
October 13[]
Ha... This is really creepy.... Who the hell are you?;; Answer me if you see me.
October 14[]
I've been experiencing some strange things lately. It all started after I picked up this strange piece of paper. If you know about this paper or have experienced the same thing, please DM me.
It was September 9, after my birthday party. I was walking home from hanging out with my friends when I happened to see this letter envelope lying on the ground. I was curious about what was inside, and I was also drunk, so I picked up the paper and checked the contents of the envelope. I don't remember anything from that moment until the next morning. Thinking that I had been drinking too much and the paper was broken, I shrugged it off. From that day on, I started having one memory after another, and when they disappeared, I would do strange things that I didn't understand. My family and friends would ask me why I was doing those things, but since I had no memory of them, I couldn't figure out what they were talking about and simply assumed that I had forgotten. But a few days ago, I went to YouTube and found myself logged in with a strange username. I was logged in with a new account on Twitter that I hadn't seen before. Even Twitter was logged in with a new account. This is the account that I'm tweeting from right now. Now, you might think that a new account would be no big deal. But yesterday, I went on Twitter and there was a weird picture, and I thought my phone had been hacked, and I was freaking out, and I told my friends about it, and they told me to delete the picture first because it was scary, and I deleted it, and then I came back today and there was the same picture again. Anyway, my friends told me that lately I've been acting like a different person, tearing off my friend's drawing of a crown and removing a crown key ring from a stranger's bag. I felt so scared that I had done something so aggressive and I wanted to find a solution. But strangely enough, since then, I can't get it out of my head that if I find the crown, everything will be solved. Please help me find the crown. RT please.
October 16[]
October 20[]
If anyone else has developed a strange obsession with crowns lately, please DM me. RTs are also appreciated.
I've been having the same dream every day lately. I'm walking down a red carpet, climbing a staircase...
A cage, a doll, a dartboard, a red carpet, and a crown...
What the heck is their connection?
![]() Video reposted by Dreamcatcher account |
October 22[]
With so many people showing interest, I feel like I might be able to find the crown. I'll check my DMs and re-tweet if anyone else has shared their experience.
October 25[]
I've read all the DMs you guys have sent me, and while I've gotten a lot of them, I realize that most of you are either mimicking my tweets or trying to prank me... I know that what I've been through is nothing to you, but I ask that you guys realize that finding the crown is very important to me, and please refrain from making pranks.
The following are some of the common things we hear.
공통적으로 말씀 주시는 부분에 대해 말씀드립니다. |
And a lot of people ask me why I'm trying to find the crown if it says don't try to find it. I don't think the paper necessarily says what it says, and the proof is that it's been over a week since I picked it up and people are still coming to me every day.
I'm tired of someone coming and knocking on my door every day. I'm starting to think I'm hearing things. I'd like to hear from those of you who want to help me. Depending on the results of the poll, I'll decide what to do before tomorrow morning.
Poll: |
As you can imagine, I opened my door today as soon as someone knocked on it. There was no one outside, only this piece of paper... again, this time related to the crown. Why do I keep finding these papers around me? Who on earth would leave these papers behind?
October 27[]
October 28[]
I don't know what the heck is going on with the link you guys sent me, because "Company C" makes and sells mirrors with the exact same crown on them that was on the piece of paper I picked up outside my door last time.
October 30[]
November 2[]
Something strange happened at school today. My friend said they had something to show off, so they searched through their bag and pulled out a thing. They pulled out a mirror, the same mirror that "Company C" made. That's all I remember, I mean, I don't remember anything from the moment I saw the mirror, and when I woke up, I was at home, and I was clutching a mirror in my hand that wasn't even mine, so I called my friend to find out what was going on. My friend told me that from the moment I saw the mirror, my face changed, and I started bullying and yelling "why do you have this?" at my friend until they gave it to me, I don't write about this stuff on Twitter because it's part of my everyday life. The friend who I took the mirror away from also told me to stop contacting them and that we can't be friends anymore. It's not just them, but others are leaving one by one because of my outbursts. I don't want to lose any more friends, I just want to find the crown and get all of this over with.
November 4[]
November 6[]
(Reply to their previous post.)
I thought it was a dream that ended with me walking up a series of stairs, but looking at the photo, it's a blur. I used to dream about running up the stairs to a red carpet every day, but at some point I started to have a different dream: I was running and running from someone on an endless red carpet. Then one day, I started to see the end of the red carpet, and at the end was a crown. Desperate to get out of there, I rushed to the crown. As I touched the cold crown, my vision suddenly filled with light and I saw a vision of people standing on the red carpet. I couldn't see much, but I think I saw people who were fighting brutally, and I think I heard a faint voice say, "You'll be one of us." That's when I woke up, and I never dreamed about it again. .... Is this a real place? How can a place from a dream be so recognizable as a photograph?
그러던 어느 날, 레드카펫의 끝이 보이기 시작했습니다. 그 끝에는 왕관이 놓여있었습니다. 그곳에서 벗어나고 싶던 저는 허겁지겁 왕관에게 달려갔습니다. 차가운 왕관에 손이 닿자, 순간적으로 눈앞이 빛으로 가득 차며 레드카펫 위에 사람들의 환영이 보였습니다. 잘 보이진 않았지만, 잔인하게 싸우고 있던 사람들을 본 것 같습니다. 그리고 희미하게 "너도 우리와 같아질 거야"라는 말도 들려왔던 것 같습니다. 그렇게 저는 꿈에서 깨어났습니다. 그 이후로는 다시는 그 꿈을 꾸지 않았었는데.... 이곳은 실재하는 곳인 걸까요? 어떻게 꿈에서의 장소가 이렇게 사진으로 남을 수가 있는 걸까요? |
November 9[]
It's my last semester and I really need to get a job soon, but I'm really worried about my increasingly frequent memory lapses. I wonder if I'll lose my memory again during an interview and start acting strange... The doctor says there's nothing wrong with me. I'm even more frustrated that there doesn't seem to be any solution other than finding that crown.
November 11[]
November 12[]
The other day, I had a strange experience. While in the past I've done strange things with a complete loss of memory, today it happened with no memory loss and my sanity intact. I was simply out without my phone, on my way to the convenience store. As I was waiting for the traffic light at the crosswalk as usual, a truck drove by with a crown right in front of me, the exact same crown I had seen on the mirror and on the letter. Maybe it was the crown, but I was suddenly overcome with an uncontrollable urge to follow the truck. I ran as fast as I could and started chasing the truck, and every time I felt like I was running out of breath and couldn't keep up with it, the truck would spontaneously stop and allow me to catch up. I continued to chase after the truck, until I was suddenly startled by the sound of another car's honk and realized that I was standing in the middle of the road. When I lifted my head and looked around, the truck was already gone. Luckily, thanks to the help of the neighbors around me, I was able to get back to my house and here I am writing this tweet. What would have happened to me if I had followed the truck all the way, and what was that truck? What other strange things will happen in the future...? I'm scared to think about it.
평소처럼 횡단보도 앞에서 신호를 기다리던 그때, 눈앞에 그 왕관이 그려진 트럭이 지나갔습니다. 거울에도, 편지에도 그려져 있던 바로 그 왕관이었습니다. 왕관 때문이었던 건지 갑작스럽게 트럭을 따라가야겠다는 참을 수 없는 충동에 휩싸이기 시작했습니다. 저는 달릴 수 있는 한 최대한 빠르게 달려 트럭을 따라가기 시작했습니다. 어느 순간 힘이 빠져 도저히 트럭을 따라잡을 수 없겠다는 생각이 들었을 때마다 이상하게도 트럭도 자연스레 속도를 늦추어 제가 따라잡을 수 있게끔 했다는 생각이 이제서야 드네요. 덕분에 저는 계속해서 트럭을 쫓아가게 되었습니다. 그러다 저는 문득 다른 차의 경적 소리에 정신을 차리고 제가 차도 한가운데에 서 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 고개를 들어 주변을 둘러보니 이미 트럭은 사라진 상태였습니다. 다행히 주변에서 도움을 주셔서 저는 곧바로 집으로 들어올 수 있었고 이렇게 트윗을 작성 중입니다. 트럭을 끝까지 따라갔다면 저는 어떻게 되었을까요? 그리고 그 트럭은 무엇이었을까요? 앞으로는 또 어떤 이상한 일이 벌어질지... 두려울 뿐입니다. |
November 13[]
November 14[]
Ever since I followed that truck last time, I haven't left the house. I was getting a little bored with the same old routine of staying at home and playing on my computer or on my phone. That's when I got a strange phone call. Before I even picked up the phone, the number came up as "000-OOTD", and I wondered if it was one of those advertising calls that I've been getting lately. I was worried that I was getting myself into another weird situation, but I was also bored, and the thought that maybe I could tell them about the story of the crown crossed my mind, so I picked up the phone. The person on the other end of the line didn't seem to be talking about anything, but then they made an unrecognizable sound and hung up. It might not have been a big deal, but the sound of the voice sent chills down my spine, I freaked out and tried to call them back, but there was no record of it in my call history. Luckily, I remembered that I had set the call to record automatically, and confirmed that it had recorded just fine. I realize that posting this here won't solve anything, but I thought it might make me feel a little better.
Call recording mentioned in their previous tweet. | |
???: Follow the mark of the crown (In reverse) ymenehcra: Yes? [Hangs up]
???: 왕관의표식을따라가시오 (In reverse) ymenehcra: 네? [Hangs up] |
November 15[]
(Temperature too hot to breathe) |
November 16[]
Yesterday, I started going for walks because staying at home didn't seem to be doing me any favors. I felt like dressing up, so I picked out a pretty outfit and went out, which made me feel unnecessarily confident and make me feel like I was glowing. Today, as I was getting ready to go out, I found myself spending hours thinking about what to wear. I went outside and walked around the neighborhood and saw a mannequin in a clothes store wearing a hat that I really liked. I asked an employee to let me try it on, and when I looked in the mirror, I knew I wanted it even more. Just then, another customer walked into the store and the employee left to attend to them. I suddenly had the urge to steal the hat. I lowered my head so I wouldn't be seen by the employee and cautiously headed towards the door. Then I saw my reflection in the door. I immediately realized what I was doing and went back to putting the hat on the mannequin. Why am I doing this, is it because of the crown?
왕관 (Korean), crown (English), 王冠 (Chinese) |
November 17[]
November 18[]
When I saw the picture posted earlier today, I looked around my house and found the clothes and the receipt from the picture in my closet. I even found the same amount of money was taken out of my bank account, where I've been saving my part-time job money for years. I didn't even have enough money left to pay my rent right now, which is probably what I bought when I lost my memory. But instead of thinking, "I'm in trouble, what should I do?" I think I'm thinking, "I can afford this luxury. Anyway, I've been thinking about the crown a lot lately, and I'm starting to feel like I need to be a crown-worthy person, and I need to start dressing up a bit, and I think I like the clothes I found at home, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a crown soon anyway, so I guess I'm okay with that.
하지만 큰일 났다, 어떻게 해야 하지 하는 고민보다는이 정도 사치는 부려도 되지 않을까 하는 생각이 더 많이 드는 것 같습니다. 안 그래도 요즘 들어 왕관에 대한 생각을 계속하다 보니 왕관에 어울리는 사람이 되어야겠다, 이제 좀 화려하게 꾸미고 다녀야겠다는 생각이 절로 들던 참이었는데 집에서 발견된 옷도 마음에 드는 것 같고요. 저는 어차피 곧 왕관을 가지게 될 거라는 확신도 있는데 이 정도는 뭐 괜찮을 것 같습니다. |
November 19[]
Today I went to see my one and only friend. It was a fun time that I haven't had in a long time, but something happened that might not seem like a big deal, but it was. On my way to meet my friend, I saw a lipstick fall out of the pocket of a person ahead of me, and it had the design of a crown on it. For a moment, I thought about taking it, even though she didn't seem to realize she dropped it, but then I pulled myself together, called out to the owner, and handed her the lipstick. She thanked me and offered me the small suitcase shethey had in her hand. I declined, but she was so grateful that she insisted on taking it, so I took it. I was running a little late for the appointment with my friend and in the rush to get there, I didn't get a chance to see what was in the suitcase, but I think I must have left it at my friend's house. We're meeting up again next weekend anyway, so I'll share what's inside with you guys.
떨어트린 것도 모르는 것 같은데 내가 가질까 하는 생각도 잠시, 정신을 차리고 주인을 불러 립스틱을 건네주었습니다. 그러자 그 사람은 고맙다며 대뜸 손에 들고 있던 조그마한 캐리어를 제게 내밀었습니다. 괜찮다고 거절하였지만, 그 사람은 너무 고마워서 그렇다며 재차 가지라고 하는 탓에 어쩔 수 없이 캐리어를 넘겨받았습니다. 약속에 살짝 늦은 감이 있어 정신없이 가느라 캐리어에 무엇이 들었는지 보지도 못했는데 친구네 집에 깜박하고 두고 온 것 같습니다. 어차피 다음 주 주말에 다시 만나기로 했으니 그 안에 무엇이 들어있는지 여러분들에게도 공유해 드리도록 하겠습니다. |
(Reply to their previous post)
Poster #1 | |
Ever dream this crown? Some people often see this crown in their dreams. If this crown has appeared in your dreams, or if you can help discover the identity about this crown, please call the number below.
어떤 사람들은 꿈에서 종종 이 왕관을 보곤 합니다. 만약 이 왕관이 당신의 꿈에도 나왔다면, 또는 이 왕관의 정체를 밝혀내는 데 도움을 줄 수 있다면 아래 번호에 연락 바랍니다. |
Poster #2 | |
Searching for the perfect crown We are looking for the perfect crown. If you know of any perfect crowns, please contact us on the number below.
완벽한 왕관을 찾고 있습니다. 완벽한 왕관에 대해 알고계신 분은 아래의 번호로 연락 바랍니다. |
Poster #3 | |
@ymenehcra99 You know about it. You've already picked up the paper; you've already opened the door; you already know about the crown. You must now accept: the paper must be burned where the crown cannot see it.
I had a dream that was kind of bizarre. I was standing on an endless floor, like in my last dream about the red carpet. I kept walking in the same direction, and then there were stairs, and I climbed them. At the top of the stairs was the crown. I tried to grab the crown, and in an instant I was pushed off and fell to the bottom of the stairs. Because I was falling from a great height, I couldn't move a single finger, as if someone was holding it. Then people appeared out of nowhere, and they began to fight their way up the stairs. Soon, one person who survived the fight reached the top of the stairs and put on the crown, and then all the people who had fallen in the fight disappeared, and the crown changed shape. Then other people appeared, and they started to hurt each other, too, until only one person was left to wear the crown. Again, the crown changed shape. By the time this process had been repeated dozens of times, the crown had become a purple jeweled crown like the one in the picture that had been posted earlier. The people stopped appearing and I realized that I could now move. I picked myself up and climbed the stairs, and on the stairs stood seven people with crowns. One of them put the crown on me. And then I woke up from the dream. I was very upset when I realized that I finally got the crown and it was a dream, but writing this tweet made me feel better, which is good. I will continue to write about my dreams from time to time.
이제 사람들은 더 이상 나타나지 않았고 저는 그제야 움직일 수 있다는 것을 깨달았습니다. 몸을 일으켜 계단을 올랐고 계단 위에는 왕관과 함께 일곱명의 사람들이 서있었습니다. 그 중 한명은 저에게 왕관을 씌워주었습니다. 그리곤 꿈에서 깨어났습니다. 드디어 왕관을 차지했는데 꿈이었다는 것을 깨닫고 화가 많이 났었는데 이렇게 트윗을 쓰다 보니 마음이 편해지는 것 같고 좋네요. 앞으로도 종종 저의 꿈에 대한 이야기를 남겨보겠습니다. |
November 20[]
Hello everyone! I have some great news to share with you. Recently, an editor from a well-known magazine contacted me via DM. This editor has read all the stories on my account and found them very interesting, and they even have a gift for me. This is the first time in my life that I've ever been asked to participate in an interview, so I'm a little nervous about what I'm going to wear, but I'm also excited. I feel like this interview will make me even more worthy of the crown, and I'll be a very glamorous person who deserves it. All thanks to you guys who are interested in my stories. I'm sure you'll be seeing my interview soon, and I hope you enjoy it.
November 21[]
Am I answering the right question... I'm confused.
But the crown's appearance keeps changing, so did I see it in my dream, and if so, did I end up wearing it? Did the crown choose me after all?
Hey, everyone. That tweet that just went up is not from me, and I hope you're all not fooled. I wasn't trying to trick you. All I'm saying is that the crown you're looking for keeps changing. Nevertheless, they say you can recognize the owner of the crown at a glance. Do you think you can recognize the crown? Yes. This is the crown I've been looking for, and I'm sure I'll recognize it at a glance. In fact, I already know what it looks like right now. Okay. Then I'll tell you how to find the crownㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ burn the notes about it right now.
속이려고 한 거 아니야ㅎ 내가 말해주고 싶은 건 네가 찾는 왕관의 모습은 계속 바뀐다는 것뿐. 그럼에도 불구하고 왕관의 주인은 한눈에 알아볼 수 있다고들 하지. 네가 과연 왕관을 알아볼 수 있을까? 네. 제가 그토록 찾던 왕관인데 당연히 한눈에 알아볼 수 있을거라 생각합니다. 아니, 사실 지금도 이미 왕관의 모습을 알고 있습니다. 그래. 그럼 왕관을 찾을 수 있는 방법을 알려줄게ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ 지금 당장 그것에 대한 주의사항을 태워버려. |
I shouldn't have posted about it, I guess I put it out there and too many people noticed its existence. What if people want it? ???? Why is this even posted? Don't read any further. I didn't write it, I just wanted to find the crown and solve everything. Who are you?!
???? 이런 게 왜 올라와 있죠? 더 이상 읽지 마세요. 저의 글이 아니에요. 저는 단지 왕관을 찾아 모든 걸 해결하고 싶었을 뿐입니다. 너 누구야?! |
Perhaps I was wrong to dare let others want it. The crown is mine and mine alone... I'm warning you, stop posting pretending to be me. Warning? I'm just fulfilling your desires, and I want you to look into your heart. Isn't that what you've been thinking? ...
Ah ah, you are the crown.
단호히 경고하겠는데, 자꾸 저인 척 글 올리지 마세요. 경고요? 저는 단지 당신이 가진 욕망을 이뤄줄 뿐인걸요. 마음속을 잘 들여다보시길 바랍니다. 이렇게 생각하고 계시지 않았나요? ... 아아, 당신은 왕관이군요. |
(The post contains random letters which form a URL to a YouTube video: youtube/_EKTQCbWaTY) Are you looking for it, too? Close your eyes and imagine it. You finally get your hands on that shiny thing, and a whole new world opens up... Come to me. We'll be here waiting for the 100th lucky person.
제게로 오세C요. 우리는 이b곳에서 100번째 행운아W를 기다리a고 있겠T습니Y다. |
Now it's time for the interview. I'm off to do my interview.
YouTube Comments[]
This page list all of ymenehcra comments on Dreamcatcher's videos with its English translation (It may contains some translations error).
1st phrase[]
In a pact with the gods, he faced the flames every day.
2nd phrase[]
When the white carpet turns red, the crown will be complete.
3rd phrase[]
Will you join our cause? The place is already crowded!
4th phrase[]
Do you believe in the power of the Crown? If so, follow its signs.
5th phrase[]
The moment I put it on my head, I had everything. In that dream, I was clearly saved.
6th phrase[]
It was written on a piece of paper, and you have to make a big commitment to get it,
7th phrase[]
It's up to me? No, only the crown can decide my fate.
- The name ymenehcra is actually the word "Archenemy" spelled backwards.
- ↑ not 100% sure