Dreamcatcher Wiki
Dreamcatcher Wiki

Note that this is only here because the mentioned characters appear in Yuhun's Dreamcatcher fan-fiction, Hope ~After Dystopia~. The link to said story is on Yuhun's profile, and on this page.

"She knew that what she was drawing was meant as a tribute to a pair of girls, lost to a most horrid accident. She'd heard faint whispers of them while she had been sealed away, and wondered whether the pair of girls was watching from what she knew was called the Dream World- the place where the spirits of anyone who died went to, so that they could rest peacefully. Though she had never met them, Zetsubou mourned for the pair of girls, and silently cried for them."

Junsui (ヂュンスイ, sometimes known in Yuhun's stories as ヂュンセイ, Junsei) & Airashii (アイラシー, Airashī) are a pair of characters created by Yuhun as fan-made Arcaea Partners that make appearances in her fan-fictions ~Despair's Daughter.~ and Hope ~After Dystopia~, making their debut in the former. In the stories they are known to be very close friends, but live in a state of seclusion, rarely emerging from their resting place, the Dream World.




Appearances in the story[]

Both Junsui and Airashii first appear in the fifty-first chapter, -Nothing is but what is not-, as illustrations on a page of Yuhun's book.


  • In a spoiler of one of Yuhun's fan-fictions, Airashii is shown to have what people would call a 'not-so-lovely' side, in contrast to her name meaning 'lovely' in Japanese. The spoiler in question is Airashii bashing an opponent over the head during a battle. Similarly, Junsui is said to occasionally be a 'pure but bad person' when she gets ticked off.
  • The locations that Junsui and Airashii are met at by Zetsubou, the Shrines of Purity and Loveliness, not only have some relation to the girls' names' meanings but are similar to Pure Code and Lovely Code's Shrines in Hope ~After Dystopia~.
  • In one of the chapters of ~Despair's Daughter.~, Airashii says the phrase, "Then losing isn't an option, is it?" This phrase is said by Legendary Bakugan Frosch in the Bakugan: New Vestroia episode Six Degrees of Destruction.
  • A character believed to be Airashii is seen watching over Zetsubou in multiple chapters of ~Despair's Daughter.~. This may be because said character is depicted having 'lustrous dark turquoise eyes' similar to Airashii's. However, it is not stated in ~Despair's Daughter.~ whether this character turned out to be Airashii or not.