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Dreamcatcher Wiki
The End of Nightmare

"The End of Nightmare" is the 4th Mini Album by Dreamcatcher. It was released on February 13, 2019 with "PIRI" serving as the title track.

It was available in two physical versions: Stability version and Instability version. The album also marks the end of the Nightmare Series. However it was later expanded with the release of "The Beginning of the End".

On May 18, 2020 through their official Twitter and fancafe, Dreamcatcher announced that a Kihno Kit version of the album would be produced and released. [1]


  1. Intro
  2. PIRI  Title Track 
  3. Diamond
  4. And There Was No One Left (그리고 아무도 없었다)
  5. Daydream (백일몽)
  6. PIRI (Instrumental)

Background and Release[]

DreamCatcher is gearing up for their first comeback of 2019!

On January 28, the group piqued fans’ curiosity by releasing a mysterious first teaser for their upcoming comeback. The teaser image, entitled “Mystery Code #01,” appears to feature a wooden safe protected by a lock that resembles a rotary phone dial.

The group’s new MV will drop on February 13 at 6 p.m. KST.

Album Description[]

A never-ending 'nightmare' drawn by a Dreamcatcher and a fantasy 'da capo'. The End of Nightmare, the fourth mini-album

The story of the seven nightmares that captivated the world is coming to an end. The End of Nightmare is Dreamcatcher's newest mini-album.

Dreamcatcher's 'Nightmare Series' started on January 13, 2017. The nightmare they unfolded has gradually evolved and captivated the world with its prequel, the modern era. It is no exaggeration to say that the unique achievement of Dreamcatcher, which has successfully completed two world tours beyond Korea, lies in the concept of 'Nightmares'.

In their first work, "Nightmare", Dreamcatcher visited us with their own nightmares: "JiU dreams of being chased by someone", "Handong dreams of being stared at", "Siyeon dreams of being trapped in a small space", "Gahyun dreams of falling from a high place", "SuA dreams of not being able to move her whole body", "Yoohyeon dreams of wandering in an unknown place", "Dami dreams of getting hurt" and so on. This was Dreamcatcher's prank.

Their stories led to "Nightmare · Fall Asleep in the Mirror". The Dreamcatcher's prank awakened the Nightmare Hunter's beastly nature, and a chase ensued with the Seven Nightmares. The invitations and escapes from the Nightmare Hunter, the captured Nightmares, and the desperate chase to rescue them all kept the audience on the edge of their seats with twists and turns.

The story of the 'nightmare' that followed had an unanswered mystery. "How did the girls become a nightmares?". They answered the question in their first mini-album "Prequel" and Dreamcatcher really captured the taste of 'InSomnia' around the world through the causal process of the 'nightmare' narrative.

And so a new "nightmare" unfolded. The Dreamcatcher's "nightmare" was not limited to one era. In "Nightmare · Escape the ERA" we continued this unique nightmare fantasy story and concluded the Antique era. The blurred lines between reality and dreams, the inner and outer worlds, and the fascinating stories of one and the same, yet two, have established a clear identity for Dreamcatcher.

In "Alone in the City", Dreamcatcher expanded the story by defining the reason for the 'nightmares' as modern stress. The narrative of Dreamcatcher's story became more compelling as it expressed the anxiety of youth generations in the real world, the fantasy of recreating everything that troubles them in their nightmares, and the conflict between the 'seven nightmares'.

In "The End of Nightmare", Dreamcatcher's narrative finally reaches its climax and conclusion. As the title suggests, "The End of Nightmare" concludes the story of Nightmare Series so far.

The ending of this arc is also quite different from what we usually imagine. Chasing nightmares from the beginning, Dreamcatcher deliveries a "plot twist" by dissolving the "nightmares" into "dreams", whose it traps you in an endless cycle of nightmares. In other words, "The End of Nightmare" is the "da capo of the fantasy" [2], the end of the "nightmare" presented by the Dreamcatcher and the beginning of a new beginning.

With Dreamcatcher's 'PIRI', we invite you to enter this nightmare that will never ends.

드림캐쳐가 그려낸 끝이 없는 '악몽', 환상 속의 'da capo'. 네 번째 미니앨범 [The End of Nightmare]

전 세계를 홀린 일곱 악몽의 이야기가 결말을 맞이한다. 바로 드림캐쳐의 신작 [The End of Nightmare]를 통해서다.

2017년 1월 13일 시작된 드림캐쳐의 '악몽'. 이들이 펼쳐낸 악몽은 점차 진화해 왔다. 그리고 프리퀄, 현대로의 변화를 거듭하면서 전 세계를 사로잡았다. 대한민국을 넘어 두 차례의 월드투어를 성황리에 마무리한 남다른 드림캐쳐만의 성과는 '악몽' 콘셉트에 있다고 해도 과언이 아니다.

첫 작품 [악몽]에서 드림캐쳐는 각자 악몽으로 분해 우리를 찾았다. '누군가에게 쫓기는 꿈:지유', '누군가가 쳐다보는 듯한 꿈:한동', '좁은 공간에 갇히는 꿈:시연', '높은 곳에서 떨어지는 꿈:가현', '온몸을 움직일 수 없는 꿈:수아', '낯선 곳을 헤매는 꿈:유현', '상처를 입는 꿈:다미' 등 우리가 흔히 일상에서 겪는 악몽들. 이것이 바로 드림캐쳐의 짓궂은 장난이었다.

이들의 이야기는 [악몽•Fall asleep in the mirror]로 이어졌다. 드림캐쳐의 짓궂은 장난은 악몽 헌터의 야수성을 일깨우고, 일곱 악몽들과의 추격전이 펼쳐진 것. 악몽 헌터로부터 날아온 초대장과 도망, 그리고 사로잡힌 악몽, 여기에 이들을 구출해 내기 위한 필사의 추격전은 반전에 반전을 더하며 시종일관 심장을 옭아맸다.

이렇게 이어진 '악몽'의 이야기 속엔 풀리지 않는 미스터리가 존재했다. '소녀는 어떻게 악몽이 되었나'가 바로 그것이다. 이들은 첫 미니앨범 [Prequel]에 의문의 해답을 담아냈는데, 드림캐쳐는 '악몽' 서사의 인과 과정을 통해 전 세계 '인썸니아(InSomnia)'의 취향을 제대로 저격했다.

그리고 펼쳐진 새로운 '악몽'. 드림캐쳐의 '악몽'은 하나의 시대에 머물지 않았다. [악몽•Escape the ERA]에서 특유의 악몽 판타지 스토리를 이어가는 동시에 그동안 보여준 Antique 시대를 마무리했다. 현실과 꿈의 모호한 경계, 내면과 외면의 하나이면서도 둘인 듯한 매력적인 이야기들은 드림캐쳐만의 확실한 정체성을 구축했다.

그리고 이어진 [Alone In The City]에서, 드림캐쳐는 '악몽'의 이유를 현대인의 스트레스로 규정해 스토리를 확장시켰다. 불안한 현실 세계의 청춘들, 그리고 자신을 괴롭히는 모든 것들이 악몽 속에서 재창조되는 환상, 그리고 '일곱 악몽' 사이의 갈등 등을 표현하며 드림캐쳐만의 이야기를 더욱 매력적으로 만들었다.

이처럼 쉼 없이 달려온 드림캐쳐의 서사가 [The End of Nightmare]에서 드디어 결말에 도달한다. [The End of Nightmare]는 그 제목처럼 이제까지 드림캐쳐가 펼쳐놓은 '악몽'의 이야기를 맺음하는 작품이다.

드림캐쳐가 선사하는 결말 역시 일반적인 상상과는 사뭇 다르다. 그 시작부터 악몽을 쫓는 '드림캐쳐'에 오히려 '악몽'을 녹여 '반전의 충격'을 선사했던 것과 마찬가지로, 끝없는 악몽의 반복으로 당신을 가두는 것. 다시 말해 [The End of Nightmare]는 드림캐쳐가 선사하는 '악몽'의 끝임과 동시에 새로운 시작을 담아낸, '환상 속의 da capo'인 셈이다.

과연 드림캐쳐가 이끄는 '악몽의 Fine'은 어디일까. 드림캐쳐의 'PIRI'와 함께, 끝이 없는 악몽 속으로 당신을 초대한다. [3]

Physical Album[]

Regular Version[]

  • PHOTOBOOK: 64p
  • CD: 1p
  • PHOTOCARD: 3p (out of 28)
  • TRANSPARENT PHOTOCARD: 1p (out of 7)
  • POSTER: 1p


  • AIR_KiT: 1p
  • POSTCARD: 1p
  • PHOTOCARD: 24p


Weekly Charts[]

Chart (2019) Peak
South Korean Albums (Gaon) 3

Monthly Charts[]

Chart (2019) Peak
South Korean Albums (Gaon) 7


Critical reception[]

Fabiola Giesseler from the Kmagazine website noted about the album that “From the opening intro to Daydream, the girls at Happy Face Entertainment make an interesting transition from their signature powerful sound to culminating with a dreamy theme. Without a doubt, Dreamcatcher has shown a unique and diverse side, capable of adapting to new styles and exploiting its talents.

The All Kpop website stated in its review that “The track 'Intro' helps set the tone of the album. It is sinister, mysterious and fits perfectly with the horror theme that they have used since its inception. Then "Piri" begins with a guitar omen, and then is dominated by electric guitars and a persistent flute throughout ... The same fierce vocals for which they are known, now we have the next jewel in the Dreamcatcher crown.



Video Gallery[]

Album Credits[]

Credits were taken from the photobook in the physical version of the album.

  • Executive Producer: Lee Ju Won (이주원)
  • Producing & Marketing: Dreamcatcher Company
  • Creative Producer: Jo Dong Hyeon (조동현)
  • Music Producer: LEEZ, Ollounder
  • Artist Managemnt & Promotion:
    • Chief Manager: Hong Min Ho (홍민호)
    • Manager: Kang Hyun Mo (강현모), Lee In Kwon (이인권), Han Pil Soo (한필수)

  • Public Relations: @Major7 Company
  • Copyright Clearance: Kim Woo Ri (김우리)
  • Marketing: Kim Ji Won (김지원), Lee Geum Jun (이금준) Major7 Company
  • Fan Marketing: Jeon Soo Yeon (전수연), Park Min Ji (박민지)
  • Media Contents: Beitna Kim (김빛나)
  • International Bussiness: Bang A Nam (방아남)
  • Financial Management: Kim Mi Jin (김미진), Kim Woo Ri (김우리)
  • Artist Development: Kim Jong Su (김종수), Kim Kwang Woon (김광운), Kyeong Da Som (경다솜), Park Seon A (박선아)
  • Engineer: Jeong Chang Hyun (정창현) @Happyface Studio

  • Recording Engineer: Jeong Chang Hyun (정창현) @Happyface Studio
  • Digital Engineer: Jeong Yu Ru (정유리)
  • Mixing Engineer: Kim Seok Min (김석민) @MAPPS Studio, Go Hyun Jung (고현정) @KOKO Sound
  • Mastering Engineer: Kwon Nam Woo (권남우) @821 Sound Mastering

  • Stylist: Song Ha Na (송하나)
    • Assist by: Kim Jae Hee (김재희)
  • Hair: Woo Ju (우주), O Rim (오림), Ha Eun (하은) @FREEFREETEAM
  • Make up: Ju Young (주영), Su Yeon (수연), Hye Jeong (혜정) @FREEFREETEAM
  • Choreography: Choi Seon Hee (최선희), Jeong Byeong Ho (정병호), Hwang Seong Yeon (황성연) @Switch

  • Music Video Director: Hong Won Gi (홍원기) @ZanyBros
  • Album Photograph: Lee Mi Jin (이미진) @Select Studio
    • Assist by: Kim Jeong Hyo (김정효)
  • Printing: ARANIA



Nightmare SeriesDystopia EraApocalypse EraVersuS Series
Korean Discography
Studio Albums
Mini Albums
Nightmare · Escape the ERA
Alone in the City
The End of Nightmare
Single Albums
Special Albums
Digital Singles
Full Moon
  • Full Moon
  • Full Moon (Inst.)
Over the Sky
  • Over the Sky
  • Over the Sky (Inst.)
  • REASON (Inst.)
Japanese Discography
Studio Albums The Beginning of the End
Single Albums What (Japanese Ver.)PIRI (Japanese Ver.)Endless NightEclipse
Digital Singles You and I (Japanese Ver.)No More
Collaborations I Long For YouBe the FutureBUFFALO
OSTs Two Of UsNot a DreamGood SeraR.o.S.E BLUENo MindEclipse (TV Size)ShadowStill with you
Solo Releases ParadiseFirst Light of DawnThat DayStart Over
English Singles BONVOYAGE (Farewell Ver.)
Tours and Concerts 1st Tour "Fly High"Welcome to the Dream WorldInvitation from Nightmare City2022 Dreamcatcher 'Apocalypse' World TourREASON: MakesApocalypse: From us World Tour2024 World Tour 'Luck Inside 7 Doors'
Virtual Concerts Into the Night & DystopiaDystopia: Seven SpiritsVerytoon ConcertCROSSROADSHALLOWEEN MIDNIGHT CIRCUSVerytoon & KENAZ ConcertApocalypse: Save us
Fanmeetings Welcome to the Dream World 1st FanmeetingDreamcatcher 1st Anniversary Fan MeetingDream of Us in LAInSomniaREASON Boutique: from InSomnia
Reality Shows Dreamcatcher Mind
Youtube Series Special ClipsDreamcatcher's NoteDreamcatcher's VLOGBETWEEN DREAMCATCHER AND MEGahyeon's 4-Week Stay at Home ProjectWhat-JJYU! What should I eat JJYU 🍳Hello, this is Lee GahyeonChat RoomSingCarLiveDong Tries It OnceSuArang❤️Hae
Apps Dreamcatcher Official AppWeverse