"Nightmare" (Korean: 악몽; Chinese: 惡夢; agmong) is the Debut Single Album of Dreamcatcher. It was released on January 13, 2017 with "CHASE ME" serving as the title track.
It is also the beginning of the Nightmare Series.
- Welcome to Dream
- CHASE ME Title Track
- Emotion (소원 하나)
- CHASE ME (Instrumental)
Background and Release[]
After the group MINX ended, Dreamcatcher would re-debut with the addition of 2 new members under a new group name. Starting as of Nov 30, 2016, teasers were released for the 1st new member Gahyun. On Dec 1, the second member Handong was revealed as well to be a part of the girl group.[1] On Jan 13, 2017, the M/V of "Chase Me" for their debut single album "Nightmare".[2]
Album Description[]
Seven fascinating "nightmares" who will haunt your dreams, Dreamcatcher.
A dream catcher is a Native American artifact that is said to ward off nightmares when hung near your bed. They are made up of a ring, a spider web, and unique accessories such as feathers and beads that give them an almost sacred feel.
Dreamcatcher, a new seven-members girl group from Happyface Entertainment, is all about dreams, as their name implies. But don't let the name fool you. The members of Dreamcatcher will become seven different "nightmares", breaking the "mold" of thinking and twisting common sense to provide a "reverse charm".
Dreamcatcher's first dream, 'Nightmare'
Amidst the flood of girl groups, Dreamcatcher's specialty is fantasy and terror stories. They will continue to unravel a story, not just a concept, and the first step is their debut single 'Nightmare'. Starting with this, Dreamcatcher will continue to create the 'fantasy story' of 'Nightmare' through future albums.
In this debut single, the members will meet the public as their own nightmares: "JiU will make you dreams of being chased by someone", "Handong will make you dreams of being stared at", "Siyeon will make you dreams of being trapped in a small space", "Gahyun will make you dreams of falling from a high place", "SuA will make you dreams of not being able to move your whole body", "Yoohyeon will make you dreams of wandering in a strange place", and "Dami will make you dreams of getting hurt". This is Dreamcatcher's mischievous antics.
'Chase Me' is a suspenseful game of skill with seven nightmares
Dreamcatcher's debut song "Chase Me" is a rock-influenced track of the genre young metal by the rookie composing team Super Bomb. The song is characterized by its harsh sound and catchy chorus. The lyrics melt the nightmare and villain images expressed by Dreamcatcher, and the song is characterized by a tense rhythm, as if playing a game of tag.
The intense guitar loop of "Chase Me" was completed with the participation of guitarist Liso (Lee Soo Jeong). Originally from South Korea and currently based in Los Angeles, Liso is a top-notch guitarist who has worked with Cee Lo Green, Zayn Malik, and even toured with Lionel Richie.
The visual directors for Dreamcatcher's "Chase Me" are no slouches either. The professional photography mugung.mugung completed the concept photos for the DAY & NIGHT version, and Kim Rin Yong, who drew attention with her painting-like cuts in the Behind The Scenes of "In thee Mood for Love" created a special main jacket that captures the charm of the seven nightmares.
The music videos were also a priority. DIGIPEDI, who has been in charge of music videos for many well-known artists, took the megaphone and created a sensual visual aesthetic. In addition, actor Cho Dong Hyuk appeared as the male lead in the music video of "Chase Me" and enriched the visuals with his unique charisma.
Not to mention the stage performance Switch, who has worked with Lee Hyo Ri, 4Minute, Troublemaker, AOA, and others to create Girl Crush concepts, choreographed the powerful song, which is rarely seen in conventional girl groups. This was combined with the metal sound of 'Chase Me' to create an attractive performance unique to Dreamcatcher.
Dreamcatcher's pure emotion in 'Emotion'
If "Chase Me" is about their playful nightmares, "Emotion" is about the pure emotion inside of them. The girls' voices express the pain of experiencing a breakup for the first time in a mid-tempo ballad. Acoustic guitars, emotional piano loops, and dreamcatcher harmonize with the song.
당신의 꿈속에 스며든 매력적인 일곱 가지 ‘악몽’ Dream Catcher.
드림캐쳐는 잠자리 근처에 걸어놓으면 악몽을 쫓아준다는 아메리카 원주민의 주술품이다. 고리를 기본으로 거미집 모양의 성긴 그물, 그리고 깃털과 구슬 등 독특한 소품으로 구성되는데 마치 신성한 느낌을 가진다.
해피페이스 엔터테인먼트에서 새롭게 선보이는 7인조 걸그룹 드림캐쳐는 그 이름의 의미와 같이 ‘꿈’에 대한 이야기를 풀어낸다. 하지만 섣부른 판단은 금물이다. 바로 드림캐쳐 멤버들이 일곱 가지 ‘악몽’이 되는 것. 이들은 사고의 ‘틀’을 깨고, 상식을 비틀어 ‘반전의 매력’을 선사할 예정이다.
드림캐쳐의 첫 번째 꿈 ‘악몽’
쏟아지는 걸그룹 홍수 속, 드림캐쳐의 특별함은 바로 ‘판타지 스토리’다. 이들은 단순한 콘셉트에 머물지 않고 하나의 이야기를 지속적으로 풀어나갈 예정인데, 그 첫 단추가 바로 데뷔 싱글 ‘악몽’이다. 이를 시작으로 드림캐쳐는 향후 앨범을 통해 ‘악몽’의 ‘판타지 스토리’를 만들어간다.
이번 데뷔 싱글에서 멤버들은 각자 악몽으로 분해 대중과 만난다. ‘누군가에게 쫓기는 꿈:지유’, ‘누군가가 쳐다보는 듯한 꿈:한동’, ‘좁은 공간에 갇히는 꿈:시연’, ‘높은 곳에서 떨어지는 꿈:가현’, ‘온몸을 움직일 수 없는 꿈:수아’, ‘낯선 곳을 헤매는 꿈:유현’, ‘상처를 입는 꿈:다미’ 등 우리가 흔히 일상에서 겪는 악몽들. 이것이 바로 드림캐쳐의 짓궂은 장난이다.
일곱 악몽과의 긴장감 넘치는 술래잡기 ‘Chase Me’
드림캐쳐의 데뷔를 알리는 ‘Chase Me’는 신인 작곡팀 Super Bomb의 작품으로 록 사운드를 기반으로 한 영 메탈 넘버다. 메탈이 가진 특유의 거친 사운드와 중독성 있는 후렴구가 감상 포인트. 드림캐쳐가 표현한 악몽과 악동 이미지를 가사로 녹였으며 마치 술래잡기를 하는 것처럼 긴장감 넘치는 리듬감이 특징이다.
‘Chase Me’의 강렬한 기타루프는 기타리스트 Liso(이수정)이 참여해 완성도를 높였다. 한국 출신으로 현재 미국 로스앤젤레스에서 활동 중인 Liso(이수정)는 Cee Lo Green, Zayn Malik 등과 함께 작업했으며 Lionel Richie의 투어에 함께하기도 한 톱클래스의 기타리스트다.
드림캐쳐의 ‘Chase Me’를 위해 나선 비주얼 디렉터들의 면면도 만만치 않다. 무궁화소녀가 DAY & NIGHT Version 콘셉트 포토를 완성했고, 방탄소년단의 ‘화양연화’에서 한편의 그림과 같은 컷으로 눈길을 끌었던 김린용 작가가 일곱 가지 악몽의 매력을 담은 특별한 메인 재킷을 탄생시켰다.
뮤직비디오 역시 심혈을 기울였다. 내로라하는 유명 아티스트들의 뮤직비디오를 담당한 디지페디가 메가폰을 잡아 감각적인 영상미를 탄생시킨 것. 여기에 배우 조동혁이 ‘Chase Me’ 뮤직비디오의 남자주인공으로 출연해 특유의 카리스마로 볼거리를 풍성하게 만들었다.
무대 퍼포먼스도 빼놓을 수 없다. 이효리를 비롯해 포미닛, 트러블메이커, AOA 등과 작업하며 ‘걸크러시’를 탄생시킨 스위치가 안무를 맡아 기존 걸그룹에서는 보기 힘들었던 파워풀한 안무를 만들었다. 이는 ‘Chase Me’의 메탈 사운드와 어우러져 드림캐쳐만의 매력적인 퍼포먼스가 완성됐다.
드림캐쳐가 선보이는 순수한 감성 ‘Emotion’
‘Chase Me’가 장난기 가득한 악몽들을 표현했다면, ‘Emotion’은 이들 내면의 순수한 감성을 실어낸 곡이다. 소녀들의 목소리는 이별을 처음 경험한 아픔을 미디엄 템포의 발라드로 풀어냈다. 어쿠스틱 기타와 감성적인 피아노 루프, 그리고 드림캐쳐의 조화가 일품이다.Physical Album[]
- CD: 1p
- PHOTOCARD: 1p (out of 7)
- POSTER: 1p
The group made their first appearance to the stage as the re-branded group "Dreamcatcher", on "Music Bank" along with other artists such as AOA, AKMU,Big Bang, and NCT 127.[3] They also made appearances on "Music Core"[4], "M! Countdown" [5], and "Show Champion"[6]
Weekly Charts[]
Chart (2017) | Peak position |
South Korean Albums (Gaon) | 20 |
- The album reached No. 20 on the Gaon Weekly Album Chart. And the position No. 57 in the monthly list of the same list.
- Highlight Medley:
- Others:
- Audios:
Video Gallery[]
Album Credits[]
Credits were taken from the photobook in the physical version of the album.
- Executive Producer: Lee Ju Won (이주원)
- Producing & Marketing: Happyface Entertainmenet
- A&R: Jo Dong Hyeon (조동현), Lee Ye Yoon (이예윤)
- Production Director: Jo Dong Hyeon (조동현), Lee Ye Yoon (이예윤)
- Music Producer: Super Bomb
- Artist Management & Promotion: Lee Seung Ho (이승호), Lee Sang Young (이상영), Hong Min Ho (홍민호), Kang Hyun Mo (강현모), Jeong Su Jin (전수진), Lee In Kwon (이인권)
- Copyright Clearance: Kim Woo Ri (김우리), Kim Min (김민)
- Marketing: Kim Min (김민), John Lee
- Fan Marketing: Kim Min (김민)
- Media Contents: Baek Min Kyung (백민경)
- Financial Management: Kim Mi Jin (김미진), Kim Woo Ri (김우리)
- Artist Development: Kim Kwang Woon (김광운), Kim Jong Su (김종수)
- Engineer: Jeong Il Jin (정일진)
- Recording Engineer: Jeong Il Jin (정일진) @Happyface Studio
- Mixing Engineer: Kim Seok Min (김석민) @MAPPS Studio, Koonikey @MadSound Studio
- Mastering Engineer: Kwon Nam Woo (권남우) @JFS Mastering
- Stylist: Song Ha Na (송하나)
- Assist by: Kim Eun Kyung (김은경)
- Hair: Lee Jeong (이정), Jae Young (재영) @Pure Narrative (순수 이야기점)
- Make up: Oh Gil Ju (오길주), Ju Young (주영) @Pure Narrative (순수 이야기점)
- Music Video Director: DIGIPEDI
- Concept Photograph: mugung (무궁화소녀)
- Album Design: Jeong Eun Sol (정은솔) @Freeblem Design
- Printing: Yein Art
- Choreography: Choi Seon Hee (최선희), Jeong Byeong Ho (정병호), Hwang Seong Yeon (황성연), Jeong Gyu Cheol (정규철) @Switch
- Record Label Credits for: Interpark Music (인터파크 MUSIC)
- Project Supervisor: Park Jeong Su (박정수)
- Distribution, Sales & Marketing: Seol Ye Nam (설예남), Oh A Ram (오아람), Kang Soo Jin (강수진), Kim Young Hoon (김영훈)
- ↑ Soompi:Upcoming Girl Group DreamCatcher Drops Image Teasers For Member Handong
- ↑ Soompi:DreamCatcher (Formerly MINX) Releases Spooky MV For “Chase Me”
- ↑ Soompi:BIGBANG Gets 7th Win For “FXXK IT” On “Music Bank,” Performances By Shinhwa, NCT 127, AOA, And More
- ↑ Soompi:Shinhwa, Hello Venus, SONAMOO, And More Perform On “Music Core”
- ↑ Soompi:Akdong Musician Wins With “Last Goodbye” On “M!Countdown,” Performances By Seohyun, Shinhwa, And More
- ↑ Soompi:AOA Grabs 2nd Win For “Excuse Me” On “Show Champion,” Performances By Seohyun, Ravi, CLC, And More