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Dreamcatcher Wiki
Endless Night

"Endless Night" is the third Japanese single by Dreamcatcher. It was released on March 11, 2020.

The physical release comes in three editions: a normal CD edition with a random trading card (1 of 7, first press only), and two limited CD+DVD editions.

First press editions includes a random event participation ticket (A, B, or C) and a special event ticket (Limited A & B only).


The single's title track was produced by Japanese guitarist Kuboty (who also provided the guitar & bass parts), while the drum parts was provided by Katsuma of Japanese post-hardcore band Coldrain.

Album Description[]


DREAMCATCHER releases its third single in Japan!

This single marks the beginning of the second act of DREAMCATCHER, whose nightmare story was completed with their previous first album "The Beginning Of The End". The song is composed by the guitarist Kuboty and features lyrics that express DREAMCATCHER's feelings and enthusiasm for starting a second chapter, with a more intense rock sound and catchy chorus melody than ever, and the drums are played by Katsuma from the popular rock band "coldrain", and the sound and groove of the song are more aggressive and powerful. The coupling track "Over The Sky", a fan song released on the occasion of the second anniversary of their debut in Korea, and the Japanese version of "Silent Night" from the special Korean album are also included on the standard edition.



今回のシングルは、前作ファーストアルバム『The Beginning Of The End』で悪夢ストーリーが完結したDREAMCATCHERの第2幕の幕開けとなる作品に。ギタリストのKubotyによる楽曲提供で、第2章をスタートするDREAMCATCHERの気持ちと意気込みを表現した歌詞と、これまでより激しいロックサウンドとキャッチ―なサビのメロディーに加え、ドラムは人気ラウドロックバンドcoldrainのKatsumaが担当し、サウンドとグルーヴがより突き抜けた力強い楽曲となっている。そして、カップリングには韓国デビュー2周年のタイミングで発表したファンソング"Over The Sky"と、さらに通常盤には韓国スペシャルアルバムに収録された"Silent Night"の日本語ヴァージョンを収録。




Video Gallery[]


Nightmare SeriesDystopia EraApocalypse EraVersuS Series
Korean Discography
Studio Albums
Mini Albums
Nightmare · Escape the ERA
Alone in the City
The End of Nightmare
Single Albums
Special Albums
Digital Singles
Full Moon
  • Full Moon
  • Full Moon (Inst.)
Over the Sky
  • Over the Sky
  • Over the Sky (Inst.)
  • REASON (Inst.)
Japanese Discography
Studio Albums The Beginning of the End
Single Albums What (Japanese Ver.)PIRI (Japanese Ver.)Endless NightEclipse
Digital Singles You and I (Japanese Ver.)No More
Collaborations I Long For YouBe the FutureBUFFALO
OSTs Two Of UsNot a DreamGood SeraR.o.S.E BLUENo MindEclipse (TV Size)ShadowStill with you
Solo Releases ParadiseFirst Light of DawnThat DayStart Over
English Singles BONVOYAGE (Farewell Ver.)
Tours and Concerts 1st Tour "Fly High"Welcome to the Dream WorldInvitation from Nightmare City2022 Dreamcatcher 'Apocalypse' World TourREASON: MakesApocalypse: From us World Tour2024 World Tour 'Luck Inside 7 Doors'
Virtual Concerts Into the Night & DystopiaDystopia: Seven SpiritsVerytoon ConcertCROSSROADSHALLOWEEN MIDNIGHT CIRCUSVerytoon & KENAZ ConcertApocalypse: Save us
Fanmeetings Welcome to the Dream World 1st FanmeetingDreamcatcher 1st Anniversary Fan MeetingDream of Us in LAInSomniaREASON Boutique: from InSomnia
Reality Shows Dreamcatcher Mind
Youtube Series Special ClipsDreamcatcher's NoteDreamcatcher's VLOGBETWEEN DREAMCATCHER AND MEGahyeon's 4-Week Stay at Home ProjectWhat-JJYU! What should I eat JJYU 🍳Hello, this is Lee GahyeonChat RoomSingCarLiveDong Tries It OnceSuArang❤️Hae
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